Politecnico di Milano is launching the 5th edition of the MSCA MASTER CLASS for potential applicants to the MSCA European Postdoctoral Fellowships call 2022.
The DART Lab - Polimi is offering the opportunity to apply for a position in the context of the EXTREMA project. Should you be interested in working with us on the development of strategies to enable autonomous guidance and navigation of interplanetary CubeSats, please visit the links below. Previous experience with hardware-in-the-loop simulations is welcomed and considered as a plus for the application.
Call for applications: https://www.polimi.it/en/faculty-and-staff/calls-and-competitions/call-for-msca-pf-master-class-polimi/
Information on the position: https://www.polimi.it/fileadmin/user_upload/Lavora-con-noi/MSCA_PF_Master_Class/2022/ENG_11/SCHEDA_Supervisor_expression_of_interest_2022_TOPPUTO.pdf
The EXTREMA project: https://dart.polimi.it/extrema-erc/
Don’t miss this opportunity out!