Feel free to join the workshop online or in-room BL27.1.2, Politecnico di Milano, via Lambruschini, Campus Bovisa , starting from 15.15
DUST, developed at DAER in collaboration with Airbus A^3, is a fast and flexible aerodynamic solver, designed for the solution of complex configurations.
The event, free and open to everyone, features presentations from developers and users from all over the world, showcasing the current capabilities of DUST and a sample of its applications.
Join the event online at the following link: https://politecnicomilano.webex.com/meet/alessandro.cocco
The agenda of the 1st DUST workshop is now available and include presentations from academics and industry specialists.
For more information and final link to the online event, visit the DUST website https://www.dust-project.org/ or the DUST community forum https://community.dust-project.org/