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16 dicembre 2019 — 1 minuti di lettura

FLOAting Wind Energy netwoRk (FLOAWER) is an Innovative Training Network (ITN), a European project that brings together leading academics and industry leaders in the offshore wind industry, and floating wind turbines in particular. Its goal is to strengthen the leadership and competitiveness of this industry in Europe.

While wind power, the second largest source of power generation capacity in Europe, is growing rapidly, space for wind turbines on land is becoming increasingly scarce. Floating offshore wind (FOW) presents a unique opportunity for Europe with its considerable potential to develop wind farms. However, the sector faces two main challenges: the cost of energy remains high and there is a lack of specialized human resources.

FLOAWER is designed to tackle these challenges. Coordinated by Centrale Nantes, the project has just gotten underway for a period of four years. This time will be devoted to the multidisciplinary training of early stage researchers in the technologies required for the development of floating wind turbines, with a view to reducing costs and optimizing the profitability of the sector.

The first step during FLOAWER’s launch phase is to recruit the thirteen early stage researchers who will commence training between April and October 2020. To apply, applicants must have a Master's degree and be in the early years of their research career. Register to apply online on the FLOAWER website until 31 December 2019: ( ↗)

The four scientific work packages of the FLOAWER programme are as follows:

WP4: Wind Ressource Assessment in deep water

WP5: Advanced floater analysis

WP6: Dynamics of wind turbine

WP7: System design of reduce Levelized Cost Of Energy

FLOAWER Partners
Centrale Nantes (ECN) (France), Politecnico di Milano (PoliMI) (Italy), Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg (UOLD) (Germany), University of Stuttgart (SWE) (Germany), CNRS (France), University College Cork (UCC) (Ireland), Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) (Norway), Technical University of Denmark (Denmark), WavEC (Portugal) and University of Rostock (UROS) (Germany).

Flyer Floawer ↗