31 luglio 2023 — 1 minuti di lettura
ASIDIC is the international conference on aerospace structural impact dynamics, held in Wichita State University, KS, from June 20 to 23 2023!
Great interest for the oral presentations of the members of our CrashLab ↗, who explored themes of crashworthiness of helicopters and battery modules, ditching, and the development of metamaterials for energy absorbing applications.
Couldn't miss chances of networking with global leader experts from research, industry and regulatory agencies in the aerospace field. In the picture a group photo of all participants to the conference, the location and some of the oral presentations from the members of our CrashLab.
Alessandro Airoldi ↗ - Testing and Analyses of Foam-Filled Auxetic Absorbers for Localized Impacts and Graded Responses
Paolo Astori ↗ - Analysis of Rotorcraft Crashworthy Stages
Antonio Maria Caporale ↗ - Numerical and Experimental Approach for the Impact Response of Electric Battery Modules
Ivan Colamartino ↗ - Numerical Modelling Strategies of Fluid-Structure Interaction for Helicopter Ditching
Alessandro Giustina ↗ - Development of a Reusable Crash Absorber Based on a Negative Stiffness Honeycomb Approach