Lorenzo Alberti, Davide Pasquali (team leader), Andrea Santeramo, Matteo Tombolini
Lorenzo Trainelli ↗, Carlo E. D. Riboldi ↗
AIAA Graduate Student Design Competition 2019-2020 ↗
International graduate student design competition
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics ↗
Trybrid is a disruptive concept of a single GA training airplane model capable of fully accomodating the contrasting needs of a single-engine training syllabus and a multi-engine one. By acquiring this one-of-a-kind hybrid-electric, distributed propulsion airplane, flying schools would drastically reduce acquisition and operation costs of their fleet, while enhancing safety of flight, environmental footprint, and public acceptance. The peculiar underlying design of the propulsion and control systems is the object of a pending patent.
Pasquali D., Santeramo A., Alberti L., Tombolini M., Trainelli L., Riboldi C. E. D., "Distributed Electric Propulsion Aircraft Simulating a Single Propeller Aircraft", European Patent application PCT/EP2021/06217 (priority date November 14, 2016). https://hdl.handle.net/11311/1176827 ↗
Pasquali D., Santeramo A., Alberti L., Tombolini M., Trainelli L., Riboldi C. E. D., "Velivolo Plurimotore Simulante un Monomotore via Hardware e Software" ("Multi-Engine Airplane Simulating a Single-Engine Airplane by Hardware and Software"), Italian Patent no. 102020000010369 (published June 6, 2022; priority date May 8, 2020). https://hdl.handle.net/11311/1136995 ↗