The LUMIO Science Team is pleased to announce the LUMIO Science Workshop to be held at the Italian Space Agency in Rome on 13 February 2023.
The aim of the workshop is to present to the international scientific community the Call for Membership in the Scientific Working Groups of the LUMIO mission, that will be issued concurrently to the workshop.
The Lunar Meteoroid Impact Observer (LUMIO) is a ESA mission to observe, quantify, and characterize the micro-meteoroid impacts on the Lunar far side. It is based on a 12U CubeSat that carries LUMIO-Cam, a custom-designed optical instrument capable of detecting light flashes in the visible spectrum. The spacecraft is placed on a halo orbit about the Earth–Moon L2 point, where permanent full-disk observation of the Lunar far side can be performed with excellent quality, given the absence of Earth background noise. LUMIO was awarded winner of ESA’s SysNova LUCE (Lunar CubeSats for Exploration) challenge in 2017 (Phase 0), and was independently assessed by ESA in 2018. The mission concluded Phase A in 2021 and is currently in Phase B. Phases A and B have been funded by ESA under the General Support Technology Programme (GSTP), through the support of the national delegations of Italy (ASI), Norway (NOSA), and the Netherlands (NSO) (Phase A only).
The Call for Membership in the Scientific Working Groups intends to support the development of the mission and to optimize its scientific return. During the workshop we intend to illustrate the rationale of the call, the expected contribution of the successful candidates along with the context of the mission and will give indications on how to apply.
People interested in attending the workshop are required to register by 7 February 2023 (see more detail at the following link):
The workshop will be hybrid. Interested participants are asked to select in the registration form whether they intend to participate in presence or remotely.
The workshop will be held on 13 February 2023 in the afternoon, from 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm CET. More detailed information regarding the agenda of the workshop will be provided to registered participants before the workshop.
Any request of information about the LUMIO Mission and the contents of the LUMIO Science Workshop should be addressed to
Any request of information on the logistic of the workshop should be addressed to