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17 May 2024 — 1 minutes read

For the fourth year in a row, eight students of the Flight Testing course of the M.Sc. in Aeronautical Engineering at Politecnico di Milano have completed the test campaign on vehicles of the experimental flight line of Leonardo Helicopters.

The complex activity saw the students engaged in the planning and execution of the missions following a preparatory path with an introductory seminar and two training visits on operational and safety procedures at the Cascina Costa (VA) flight line.

The Leonardo Helicopters staff was coordinated by the Lead Flight Test Engineers (LFTE) Andrea Castelli and Walter Moiola and involved the Test Pilots Andrea Scopa and Domenico Grande together with the LFTEs Alessandro Brusa Zappellini, Antonio De La Mata Chico, Luigi Chiodini and Paolo Marguerettaz.

On May 14, 2024, the company offered an AW169 and an AW189 for the execution of eight flight missions dedicated to tests based on the requirements of the European civil CS-29 certification standard for controllability and static stability in forward flight.

The students conducted the tests by collecting flight data, which will be analyzed together with the data recorded by the dedicated instrumentation to prepare the final test reports required for the course exam.

Thanks to Leonardo and the Experimental Flight Tests department of Cascina Costa for this unforgettable experience!

Photo Courtesy of Leonardo

The activities of the Flight Testing course will continue in the coming weeks with further educational test campaigns on simulators and fixed-wing aircraft, including Politecnico di Milano's Flying Classroom, the specially instrumented Tecnam P92E of the Department of Aerospace Sciences and Technologies.

These activities offer a one-of-a-kind opportunity to complete the training course offered in the classroom, experiencing firsthand the duties of the Flight Test Engineer, a peculiar characteristic of the educational syllabus at Politecnico di Milano.

Stay tuned!

Photo Courtesy of Leonardo

Photo Courtesy of Leonardo

Photo Courtesy of Leonardo

Photo Courtesy of Leonardo

Photo Courtesy of Leonardo

Photo Courtesy of Leonardo

Photo Courtesy of Leonardo

Photo Courtesy of Leonardo